The Official App of the Swiss Customs.The app "Travel & Waren" contains information on the import of food, souvenirs, etc. and is directed
The Official App of the Swiss Customs.
The " Reise & Waren " app includes information on the import of food, souvenirs, etc. and is aimed at private individuals.
"Travel and goods" are also available in French, Italian and English. You can find them under the following names:
• Fr: «Voyage & Marchandises»
• IT: "Viaggio & Merci"
• En: «Travel & Goods»
The app makes it easier for you and helps you to buy souvenirs, electronic articles, etc. abroad or on the Internet.
These are the topics:
• Entry regulations: pass, visas, procedure at customs
• Purchasing abroad (free quantities): value -free limit, alcohol, tobacco and food
• With animal and plant across the border
• In a vehicle across the border
• Prohibitions, restrictions (brand piracy, souvenirs, medication, etc.)
You will also find our information on internet shopping, postal/courier traffic.
The border crossings at the main traffic axes can be found in the listing after a distance to the current location. D. h. The closest customs office appears in the first place.